Now...A Word From Our Sponsor
Okay, just kidding, but I do have a question for you all.
Today I was checking my email on an old account, one that I created when I first started my Green Duckies blog (and one that was quickly overrun because it was not prepared for the comments). Anyway, I found an email from a name I didn't recognize with a subject line that said "Can I sub?" I, being daring, opened it, knowing that my email provider might not give a lot space for comments did check for viruses before you opened the email.
Anyway, long story short (too late), the email was from a woman named Darlene who wanted to know if she could sub to Moron Mouth. I had no clue what she meant & emailed her. A few minutes later, she explained that she wanted to receive an email whenever we updated. I was flabbergasted. And seriously flattered.
So I think I've found a way to email people when we update. If you would like an update every time we publish, please send an email to Please write subscribe in the subject line.
You will also notice that I've changed the comments to haloscan. This means that anyone can add comments, regardless if you are signed up with blogger or not. So please, comment! We love hearing from you!