Wednesday, September 29, 2004

If I hadn't taken the call myself, I would swear it didn't happen

We deal with all kinds at NABABNA, including the famous personality type, 'I want to pick a fight.' I don't understand the personality that just needs a reason to argue and has a sole purpose in life. That sole purpose seems to be complaining.

I got a full dose of the disillusioned woman tonight. I'll call her, "Offending Bigwords," you'll see why. Here is the call:

B (that's me!): Thank you for holding, my name is Beth and I'm a supervisor. The banker told me you wanted to speak to a supervisor. How can I help you?
OB: Where is my money?
B: I would like to help you. For clarification, are you stating your deposit is missing?
OB: No. I was supposed to get money and I want to know when I'll get it and how much.
B: Who is giving you the money?
OB: I got papers from a lawyer about a levy.
B: You had a levy on your account?
OB: I think so. What's a levy?
B: Normally, a levy is a hold on your funds because we received a court order to hold them. Some people have them for back taxes or child support payments.
OB: When did that happen to my account?
B: I don't know. You told me a lawyer contacted you about a levy. I asked if you had one on your account.
OB: I don't owe any back payments for anything!
B: Okay. Then you probably didn't have a levy on your account. Why did the lawyer contact you about a levy?
OB: When was there a levy on my account?
B: I don't know if there even was a levy on your account. I can check if there was one if you don't remember one if you know a range of dates.
OB: It was early this year.
B: Like January?
OB: Early this year.
B: You want me to look and see if something happened to your account sometime "early this year." What are you defining as "early this year?"
OB: This lawyer made me sign papers.
B: When was that?
OB: Early this year.
B: ARGH! Okay. What were the papers about?
OB: Don't you know?
B: Well, I'm not a licensed attorney and I never contacted you myself, so no. I only have the limited information you've provided to me on this call.
OB: Well, he sent me papers.
B: What were they about?
OB: I don't know. I didn't read them. I just signed them.
B: And this is why you're expecting money?
OB: Yes. Where is my money?
B: I have no clue. Do you have anything specific you can tell me?
OB: It was about money.
B: Well, we are a bank, it might. Anything in particular about money?
OB: It was about monetary money.
B: Monetary money? They're the same thing!
OB: Yes, monetary money. You work for NABABNA. You know what that means.
B: No, I don't. Monetary money is like saying money money. It's not like the song, Mony Mony.
OB: The lawyer was suing NABABNA.
B: Why?
OB: I don't know why.
B: Was he your lawyer?
OB: No.
B: Do you have a lawyer?
OB: No.
B: Do you have any information from what he sent you before?
OB: No. You should know what this is about.
B: It's about some lawyer suing our bank and you signed papers about money.
OB: Yes.
B: I have no specifics and I don't know what you're talking about.
OB: Well, I get money.
B: Okay, let me get this straight, you get money because you helped a lawyer sue us but you don't know why other than it had to do with money?
OB: Yes.
B: I can't help you. I need more specifics.
OB: But where's my money?
B: Where is it coming from?
OB: A lawyer. You should know.
B: I have no way to know what every lawyer in the country is doing. If you want, I can connect you to our legal department.
OB: I've talked to them before.
B: And what did they tell you?
OB: Nothing.
B: Why did they tell you nothing?
OB: They don't know what I'm talking about.
B: And you think that customer service knows more about some lawsuit that you can't tell me the name of or what it's about?
OB: No.
B: Then why did you call us?
OB: I don't know.
B: I recommend you find some information before calling us back so we can be better equipped to help you.
OB: Whatever.

Then she hang up. I have no idea what she wanted other than monetary money. I hope she finds something at home with information about this lawyer she signed papers for and calls him. He might know why he sued us at least.


Blogger Firebear said...

Nothing like working the phones! This made me laugh. thank you!

3:00 AM  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

Oh, my goodness. That is seriously great. I loved it. Monetary money. Priceless.

12:30 PM  

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