Thursday, July 15, 2004

Welcome to NABABNA

Hi.  My name is DM (short for Dana Marie).  My friend Beth and I work for a major bank in America.  We work in the customer service phone bank and take what's known as escalated calls.  What does this mean?  Mainly that we take calls from the customers who are upset with the bank.  Now, yes, everyone makes mistakes and we do receive the occasional call from customers who have legitimate concerns with bank errors but the majority of the calls we receive are from people who have made mistakes on their own accounts. 

Some of these people are wonderful to deal with because they are asking us to help them and are polite, calm individuals.  And some of these people, the people that Beth and I are going to blog about, are morons. 

Because we really love our jobs, there is no way we're going to tell you who we really work for.  From now on, our company will be referred to as NABABNA, short for National American Bank of America, Baby, National Association.  Yes, it's a weird name.  But NABABNA is fun to say and so not close to the real name of our bank.

We will also be, for your reading pleasure, provide you with conversations that we have overheard or, sometimes, been forced to be involved in. 

Just for the record, names have been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent, if the customer we're talking about sounds like you, it's really not (but if you think it is, then you should probably really consider your banking habits), and yes, sometimes I will exaggerate for humor's sake.   Usually I don't have to exaggerate, though, and will normally indicate when I've done so. 

Hope you enjoy!  Ciao.  DM  


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